Leave your prayer requests for St. Rita. She is a very powerful saint and brings hope to our struggling world. Even though this is a private site created in thanksgiving to St. Rita and not affiliated with any church or shrine, I am sure St. Rita hears your requests.
You can use the comment section below (comments do have to be approved) or email your request to shelley@stritaofcascia.com and it will be published here on this site as soon as I can.
Prayer requests not in comments can be found here.
Favors Granted can be found here.
Dear Mother, Kindly heal my father, who underwent Brain surgery and is bedridden. Mother, revive & repair his brain cells/nerves completely without any memory loss. Regulate his BP and other vitals to normal.
Let his tracheostomy be removed soon and grace him strength to talk and walk on his own as earlier. Kindly restore his senses and body reflexes swiftly. Bless nurses and physiotherapist team with wisdom and skill. May upcoming cranioplasty surgery may be successful and outcome positive results.
Bless his family who are seeking your intercession and divine miracle.
Repel away witchcraft, curse, black magic, and evil spirit against him.
In Jesus Powerful Name.
O powerful St. Rita, rightly called Saint of the Impossible, I come to you with confidence in my great need. I pray to you for healing my mother Anka, so that she is cancer free and healthy. Bless her with long life. Come to my help, speak for me, pray with me for my mother, intercede on her behalf before the Father. Thank you. Amen
Please heal our family trees and pray my husband comes to his senses like the prodigal son and returns to our marriage and our 2 sons (5 and 7). His detachment has been nearly 9 months now and he moved out a month ago and removed his wedding ring. I am devastated. Please allow us to honour the sanctity of our marriage vows.
Begging for intercessions that newborn Maria does not have down syndrome or issues!
Thank you,
Please I’m asking for St.Rita’s intercession for restoring our near 25 yr marriage as the wife I love is divorcing our marriage which can be saved. Please for this critical time
I ask for prayers through the intercession of Saint Rita to overcome serious financial problems with a restaurant that I inherited from my family.
Dear Mother, Kindly completely heal my father Mr. Felix Tete, who underwent Brain Hemorrhage surgery and is bedridden. Revive his consciousness and repair his brain cells/nerves without memory loss. Regulate his BP and other vitals properly.
Let his tracheostomy may be removed quickly and give him strength to open his eyes, talk to us and walk on its own as earlier. Kindly restore his senses and body reflexes smoothly. Heal his bed sores, wound and stitches swiftly. Bless nurses and physiotherapist team with wisdom and skill.
Bless his family who are seeking your intercession and divine miracle.
Repel witchcraft, curse, black magic, and evil spirit against him.
In Jesus Powerful Name.
Dear Lord,
I feel so defeated, My home is going up for sale against my wishes, I do not have the credit to purchase it, because of the price. so MY home I lived in for 35 years, my neighbors and parish and just everything is causing me to slip into a depression, We so love it there, If I have to leave please pray that my son Vincent and I receive a home in the same neighborhood. I wish I can purchase 1737 So. 10th Street. Please pray that we purchase one in that neighborhood. Thank you and God Bless!!! Amen Thank you please pray My name is Phyllis
Pray for the people who took my iPad, who took money and other items to stop stealing things from my home, for forgiveness, for the consciousness that created this situation to be transmuted so that nothing ever like it is created anymore, and for my home and car and my daughter be to protected against theft, pray for justice in full view, for Peace, Love and Harmony in my home and in my mind, and world, in Jesus’ name. I pray that I never accuse anyone incorrectly nor judge ever again, and become enlightened to the full revelation of all things seen and unseen, see through the All Seeing Eye of God and act aright, all this I pray all humanity can benefit from, becoming fully Christed consciousness in thought, word, feeling, form, I pray that the money be replaced to me and used constructively in INEFFABLE Jesus’ name
Thank you, I pray for you to receive great joy & benefit from this prayer, for Mariah’s Baptism and First Communion to be now; for her father Oscar to help support me, be friendly, stop being so rough with us, and stop being so tough with her that she begs for mercy. Please help him stop his adulty until the divorce papers he served me are finalized and stop overfeeding her and telling her lies, slandering, stop taking her out with his girlfriends and telling her not to go to church and that church is fake stuff, not real and prayer doesn’t work. I pray for him to be saintly and for all humanity to treat each other with respect. I pray that he stop temping Mariah to do evil and lie. Help us all become wise and obedient & acquire more of what the Holy Spirit gifts us, fill us all with faith, self-control, Joy and the Fruits of the Spirit, Tongues of Fire. Please watch over all children, Jesus. Keep them from injuries and remind Mariah often that I love her and Mother Mary fill her with Grace, full to overflowing (all of us)!
Make me a Holy person, like you are, Angelic, fun and joyful, that those around me may become inspired to sing, dance and pray in worship because of Love, and do it with joy! I ask you make me someone my daughter would prefer to be with always, like Jesus so happy that all the children wanted and loved to be with Him!
I pray for my dissertation to be fulfilled this day with academic rigor that is required and scholarly, and that I can help all teachers, children & families be happier, healthier, kinder to each other, and peaceful with great cheer, magnifying the Lord of Life, Living as the Immaculate Concept! For Christ discernment, Spirit of Truth;
for us all to be forgiven, to forgive everyone and be corrected in consciousness and form to our originalDivine Plan; for our personal satisfaction with life and for the ability to forgive everyone for everything that has ever enangerd the being and distorted the light we are; pray Oscar forgives me forgives me for being religious and independent of him; help Mariah be strong against the peer pressure of having to do what he says that is not for her highest good, in Jesus’ name and thank you, I pray for the Spirit of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding. For my daughter Mariah & I to get good grades in school, all A’s, for my car to get repaired and money for education, gasoline, food and warm cloathes, for the tax money from the filing of my taxes to be made available to me, for help with computers, technology and the mental and physical work to become easy, open and receptive to the highest frequencies & consciousness, in Jesus’ name, for the signs and symptoms of sickness to go away, for my daughter Mariah’s hives to go away forevermore and the reason they are there to be discovered and transmuted by love, for the kids at the playground to be happy, Illumine us and enlighten us,
pray for financial help, the money from El Lugar investment in Costa Rica to be paid to me $5,000 in full as soon as it can be, and all whe invested in it to be paid fully; cash for daily necessities, money for education, I joyously constructively circulate it as is God’s Will and I pray that I donate all that is required of me to donate and remove from us all selfishness, greed, desires of the flesh, gluttony, pleasures of the senses and root causes. Protect us from the grasping desires of the flesh, fear, doubt & stubborness.
Also I pray for all humanity to be cured of all sickness, aging, olding, illness, cough, cold, fever, skin, stress, hair loss, digestion, imbalance, mental distress, worry, poverty, desire to leave the planet, being sorrowful, sorry, regretful, anxious, bitter, sulking, depression, cranky and root causes and effects and memories forevermore, from all of us, my daughter and all humanity as well; I pray for us to be to be quick, clear, concise, with poise and 100% constructive. For music of the Spheres to replace rap and discord, I also pray for the money that I will need to help my daughter be healed, and that we externalize the Holy Trinity! Stop all domestic violence and violent gaming forevermore! For: P. Francis,
Dr kooken Dr kaefer Dr Jenner and Liberty University, their instructors and students, Padre Pio,
TERRY CONNOR, ALEX BARAJAS, DANIEL AND DANNY, NATASHA, NITA AND SON, TOM, FERNANDA, Joey, Cathy, Evelyn, Saul, Diana, Roberto, Earnest, Jose, Juan, Jaime, Gabriel, Eleazar, Francisco, Rudy, Amanda, Jas, Loretta, Cheryl, Megan, Erin, Geny, Stephanie, Annete, Janelle, Adria, Judy, Maria, nancy, Jorge, Lupe, Boris, Clementina, Annette, Mariah’s friend Lo, Joel, Jason, Will, Mary, Matthew, John, James, Sam, Jonah, Chase, Alex, Rose, Father Nate, Brother Miggo, Marianne, Dain, Katy, Linda, Peter, Jenny, Jane, Billy, Jason, Linda, Deacon Tom, Shirley, Ash, Bentley, Nicole, Jill, Mary, Judy, Lynn, Yaritza, VILLAFUERTE family, Barajas Family, Lopez Family, Sara, Jake, Katerina, Paul, Juana, Christine, Kevin, Holly, Christy, Cara, Esther, Cathy, Aña, Ania, Asania, Anita, Iseah, Nimi, Evan, Elon, Alycia, Pera, Gregory, Jo and team, Alicia, Bethany, Julianne, Tanja, Edwin, Tony, Gary, Dain, Riley, Gregg, Panache, DC, Kelly, Zaa, The Bowmans, Lauren, Gene, Sarah, Teresa, Theresa, Israel, Moira, Robert, Petra, Lori, Eleazar, Israel, IZ, Rhonda, Ambujam, Chris, Diamond, Anrita, Anita, Dulce, Angela, Fr Manuel, Angie, Zeenat, Nora, Sul, Darius, Carlos, Father Moses, Susan, Simone, Toledo Blade Elementary School, the cross guards and officers, Diva, Matt, CJ, Sabrina, Mr. Slater, Ania, Melissa, Alex, for those no one else is praying for, those who pick our fruit and farm the land, and land owners for us all to be stewards like Christ, for all these & their families GOD BLESS YOU FOR A MIRACULOUS DAY
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with you, Blessed art Thou amongst women and blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus! Holy INEFFABLE Mary, Mother of God, pray for us to externalize the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, Holy Christ Self, now and at the hour of our Victory over sin, disease and death and the source points of creation of them.
GOD BLESS YOU FOR A MIRACULOUS DAY, please help the man who got run over on his bike in front of my house today and the lady that ran into him, and in Jesus’ name, may they Ascended to a higher level of consciousness and all of us as well, to be more aware
Thank You God that my daughter made it to the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Praying she is healthy and strong. Praying for a healthy normal strong baby. Blood work showing 95% down syndrome. Praying going to full term, placenta, cord are healthy, enough amniotic fluid, no fluid in baby’s kidneys, growth of femur and no nicu. Jesus, Mary and Joseph please intercede. Asking big bc God answers prayers!!! A miracle! I ask that this child, a gift from God, will not have down syndrome or issues!
Dear God, I humbly ask you to bring Anthony and I back together, stronger than we were when we were in a relationship. He recently ended the relationship on 01/02/25. I pray that you let our Love overcome this separation. May our Love for one another continue to deepen and grow into a loving, faithful, honest, truthful, committed, and unconditional romantic relationship again that makes us develop a strong physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual connection. I want Anthony to be my boyfriend again and I want him to be my future husband if it is your will. Please let us communicate daily via phone and text to further develop a deep and meaningful connection. Please let us maintain communication and connection on social media. Please calm my emotions and thoughts, lessen my fears and worry, and remove these anxious thoughts about him being unfaithful, abandoning me, or being dishonest with me. Please remove all barriers and evil from our relationship. Please allow us to forgive and move past the ending of the relationship to rebuild the relationship. Help us work on our past traumas to overcome all obstacles that are impacting our relationship. Let no one or nothing come in between us. Let us see one another 3-4 times a week. Please help us become closer to God and our Catholic faith. Help us to believe wholeheartedly in faith, hope, and love and believe that Jesus will save us from all evil, financial troubles, and other stressors of life. Help our relationship deepen each day as we grow closer to God and our Catholic faith so that we may have a beautiful, loving, committed, faithful, and unconditional marriage that leads to beautiful and healthy children. Let us have a loving home based on Catholic morals and values. Let us teach our children about God and our Catholic faith on a daily basis. May we prioritize our family and close friends as part of our values. In our challenges may we turn to each other and God instead of fighting against one another. Let me be patient, kind, and understanding through disagreements that may arise and turn to faith to hold us during these difficult times. I hope and pray that Anthony becomes my husband to have and to hold, to love and to cherish and honor all the days of my life. I am blessed and grateful to have my dream career and I feel so fulfilled and blessed to help others but I humbly ask can you bless me with this one request. Please bring Anthony, my future husband, back to me. I would feel completely fulfilled in my life with Anthony by my side. May our love continue into heaven praising the Lord to eternity. Amen🙏🏻
I offer you Love and Kindness!
I pray for my daughter, Mariah to be healed and cured of her rash and the source points of creation of allergies and that her immunesystemmay be strengthened. May she receive all the nutrients she needs before she runs low. I pray for my daughter’s father to awaken to the Christ within him and in Jesus’ name may he stop feeding her junk food and artificial substances that destroy the body. For him to stop taking her overnight to hotels and other people’s houses to sleep. For her and I and all families to love each other like Jesus loved his family loved each other. For her cousin Daniel to stop mounting over her and playing roughly with her. For the removal of all drugs, bugs, tics, pestilence, alcohol, violent media, guns and violent games from our homes and universe, including xbox. I pray for the money to feed my daughter the healthiest foods from the land, thank you and bless you, Mother Mary I LOVE YOU ❤️ Also pray for financial help, for my friends and family members and for Aidin G. Who is in danger of aborting a son and for all marijuana use to stop on the planet because it hurts our babies in the womb. May Saint Joseph be the protecting presence that he can be and may he be forever praised, blessed, and for my daughter to stop being with her father, who emotionally manipulates her to do destructive things and eat unhealthy, with gluttony! I demand that we may peacefully resolve things so that he doesn’t have the custody of Mariah, our daughter and I pray that he, Oscar, doesn’t take her to places where other people and kids tempt her to sin and provoke injuries in her. Please, may her desire for darkness be lifted off and may she be baptized immediately in the name of Jesus Christ, with the God parent(s) that are for her highest best good summon bonum, and may her father rest in the care of Jesus Christ and not be allowed to take her away from me. I pray for a better more pure home, mind, body, world. I deeply and earnestly desire that we devote ourselves to a Life of service and be consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and may we be living as the Christ Presence on earth, in thought, word, feeling and form forevermore, may she be strong to resist temptation and may you be Eternally blessed. I pray for Oscar to be a Saintly man, and everyone else, and all the people in the prayer rosaries I have ever prayed for, the farm workers, fruit pickers, Angelic Host Blessings, for a clean house and bodiesI also pray that my dissertation be complete by this year and the research site approved and Institutional Review Board approved, and having passed my defense and presentation, that I may obtain my PhD from Liberty University School of Education and I also pray for good grades all A’s for all students, and for Stigmata thank you! Thank you I love you pray for Stigmata, for Scalar Light to be available for all, for it to have greater results in producing perfect health and consciousness as it is the Divine Light of Jesus &Mother Mary
Dear Saint Rita please intercede for my Mum who in March 2nd, 2023 was diagnosed of Atrial fibrillation due to her mistral valve stenosis issue which has made her suffer and recover from two stroke attacks. Please Saint Rita intercede for her so that she will be completely healed of this impossible ailment and no longer be at risk of stroke attacks and heart failure.
St Rita pray for me and my ex girlfriend. Pray that I can be better at communication and that Jena could sense this change in me and my willingness to improve. Pray that we can rekindle our relationship. She helped bring me closer to God. Pray that God will bring her back in my life. Through God’s will all things are possible. Amen.
Dear Saint Rita and friends please pray that we may be anle to get our very messy home cleaned in time for the exterminator. Amen God nkess
For the Elections on Tuesday to go well. For the candidate who most protect life to win. For him to have a wise and decisive victory so he can seek reconciliation in Jesus’s Holy name. Amen
Saint Rita, please intercede for my special intention and for the conversion and eternal salvation of my childhood friend.
Ave Maria, Please Pray for me, I really need financial grace and I am
falling into anxiety. Please offer the tears of Mary for my intentions
God Bless!
Gerann C
First thank God my daughter is pregnant after having an ectopic pregnancy and surgery last year. Praying that my daughter is healthy during her pregnancy despite some spotting/bleeding. Praying for a healthy normal strong baby. Too many tests and blood work showing issues and down syndrome. Praying for a healthy placenta to be attached and in proper position. Praying she goes to full term. She’s in her second semester. This is very hard on her and all of us praying. Jesus, Mary and Joseph please intercede. I’m asking big because God answers prayers!!!
Please pray that God will somehow restore my friendship with a friend that I havent talked to in months. Pray that I will be able to regain my trust with that friend again and that God mends our broken friendship. We stopped talking months ago after fighting alot.Please pray for clarity,wisdom and direction.
Thank you! God bless you,
Litany of Special Prayer Intentions:
1. That the Religious Community, Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary (MIC) be always blessed with profound and enduring holiness, purity, and faithfulness, so this Religious Congregation and all the members always be Christ’s Light in the world, and may the Lord gift this community with increased numbers and merit, and that it be one of His sparks of His Divine Mercy, so God’s message of Love and Mercy reaches many people and brings many people to conversion and back to Jesus, and so that many people be saved.
2. That the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts USA, be graced to be a place of conversion and healing and may all those that live here, work here and visit here, and even those that pray for us or watch videos or livestream Masses be given unfailing and ongoing fortitude, faith, hope, charity, and conversion, and all of us also receive now and always the Seal of God, so all of us be marked for the Heavenly Kingdom, and be brought to heaven one day and may all of us through Mother Mary also bring many to Heaven with us too, so that the devil be emptyhanded. May the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche and many other Catholic Shrines and Catholic Religious Communities receive similar and powerful graces too.
3. That Annie receive abundant healing and through the intercession of Saint Stanislaus Papczyński, gets pregnant very soon and goes to term, and gives a very healthy birth.
4. For the end of the Covid virus and other viruses and planned pandemics, and for the end of impurity, immorality and corruption within the Church and the whole world, so that Christ’s Peace, and Joy, and Light reign in the world, Church, and all peoples’ hearts.
5. That Brother Alexander Chung, MIC be graced with a triple portion of The Holy Family’s Spirit, and Saints Martin de Porres’, Therese of Lisieux’s, and Padre Pio’s spirit, that what St Philomena was for St John Vianney, St Therese the Little Flower will be for him, Brother Alexander Chung, MIC, so he may be Jesus’ Light for all people and bring many people to heaven with him one day, and that he be blessed now and always to be one of Saint Therese of Lisieux’s little souls, so that he be among her little army of souls, and be graced with final perseverance, and be with St Therese, The Little Flower in heaven one day to continue her work from there too.
6. For the complete healing of Maureen Amirault, Linda Kratka, Caroline Marie Gavin, and Mario Costanza, and for all their spiritual and temporal needs and intentions.
7. That Brother Alexander Chung, MIC be graced, now, forever, and always, with the gifts of a mystical Immaculate conception, Incarnation, Consecration to and Union with Mother Mary, Seal of The Living God, Living In The Divine Will, so to be always knowing and acting in and accomplishing the Will of God, and Eunuch, so that he always is perfectly and invincibly chaste, and that he be always very compassionate and very passionate, yet never to be sexually aroused, and may all these gifts be unfailing, perfect, everlasting and eternal, continually increasing, and in ceaseless ongoing perpetuity, now, forever, and always. May Brother Alexander Chung, MIC also now, forever, and always, continue to grow in faith, hope, charity, trust, peace, humility, prudence, zeal, fortitude, honesty, longsuffering, joy, gentleness, simplicity, patience, clarity, succinctness, firmness and steadfastness, perseverance, and in holiness, and may he persevere to the end, and always be Jesus’ Light for others, so by God’s Graces and Mercy, he brings many with him to heaven one.
8. For the end of the culture of death, so that the culture of life powerfully flourish in the world, that planned parenthood be miraculously transformed to become and remain a very powerful, abundant, and growing institute of life for the Roman Catholic Church, and for the purity and sanctity of sacramental marriage, the Church, all mankind, and the world.
9. In honor of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face Martin, we pray that in heaven she now and always receives more graces, so that she may continue to shower more flowers and more powerful graces upon the Church, the world, and on all people now and always, and may those graces and flowers always have more powerful effects on the Church, the world, and on all of us.
10. That many more people consecrate themselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary and that all those consecrated to her become a little soul of St Therese and a spiritual child of St Padre Pio, and be also brought to heaven. May all those consecrated to Mother Mary also become Jesus’ perpetual and unfailing light, so that Satan be rebuked from the face of the earth, so all people convert and be brought to heaven too.
11. For all the souls in purgatory, the salvation of all the dying, and the conversions of all people, and for the repose of the souls of Dorothy A. Tudjan, Rachael Sydney Schopp, Mark Andrew Smith, Vincent Chung, Inez Chung, Franz Bydlinski, Deborah Binder, John Paul Tomeny, Brittany Maynard, Marc Massery, Christina Maria Barone, Christopher Eric Hitchens, Amelia of Fatima, Rudolf Höss, Henry Morgentaler, Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation, PCPA, Brother Donald Schaefer, MIC, Fathers George Kosicki, CSB, Joseph Kane, OMI, Fernando Suarez, Benedict Groeschel, CFR, Michael Scanlan, TOR, Mark Garrow, MIC, Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, Larry Dunn, MIC, Kevin Scallon, CM, Peter Rookey, OSM, Walter Gurgul, MIC, Joseph Whalen, MS, Casimir Krzyzanowski, MIC, and Bob Bedard, CC.
12. That Brother Alexander Chung, MIC be a very good listener and communicator, that he becomes and remains a very good, holy, and faithful priest with his Marian community, and that his ordination be very soon.
13. That Brother Alexander Chung, MIC be graced to have a very healthy, faithful, good, deep, pure, innocent, authentic, chaste, joyful, childlike, holy, and loving Christian friendship with Linda Kratka, and that Linda Kratka will find a very affordable, inexpensive, and spacious home very soon, which has several good sized rooms, and that this home will be a place for Jesus, the Holy Family, and all of heaven.
14. For all of Maria English’s spiritual and temporal needs, for the salvation of Maria and her entire family line, past, present, and future, and for many special blessings and graces for all the people Maria prays for, especially their salvation.
15. That all Baptized Christians be powerfully graced to live a very holy, faithful, pure, virtuous, and loving life, and that they be also graced to be Jesus’ Light for all peoples, so all people convert and so the devil be left empty handed.
16. For all of Shari Krauser’s spiritual and temporal needs, for her protection, healing, and deliverance, and that she be now and always powerfully graced with the gifts of all heavenly virtues, especially wisdom, fortitude, peace, joy, and perseverance, so that Shari continues to grow in profound and unending trust, holiness, faith, hope and charity. May Shari also be given special graces to now and always have a very contrite, forgiving, prayerful, chaste, and repentant heart and be Jesus’ unfailing light in this world, so that Shari bring many people with her to heaven one day.
17. For the conversion of Kolbe Rose Pollock and Christina Haritos, and that Brother Patrick Lynch, MIC be graced now and always with a double portion of The Holy Family’s Spirit, so that he may always be Jesus’ Light for others, and through Mother Mary, may Brother Patrick always know and accomplish God’s Holy Will through his constant yes and fiat like Mother Mary. May he also be graced to bring many other souls to heaven with him one day.
18. Please pray for Ben. That he will some time this year come back to the Marians and be accepted. He did not renew last August, but I feel he is supposed to be here and he wants to return.
19. That very wise, just, holy, and moral decisions are always made in dealing with all worldly and Church situations, and that God keeps gracing all people so they all continue to grow in faithfulness and holiness, so that just, wise, holy, and moral laws always prevail in the Church and the world.
20. For the powerful and ongoing conversion of Father James Martin, S.J., may he become another St Paul for our times and spread Christ and His Gospel to the ends of the earth.
21. For the complete healing of Margo Joy and for all her spiritual and temporal needs, and all her intentions. May Margo be now and always powerfully united to the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary, and may she be powerfully blessed now, forever, and always with all the gifts and virtues of the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary. May Margo’s God given mission flourish abundantly and unite all Christians and Jews through the praying of the rosary and may this mission also reach many more souls, converting them and bringing them all to Jesus. May Margo be fully physically, mentally, and spiritually protected, and be now and always a little soul of St. Therese, The Little Flower and Jesus’ joyful and loving Light in the world, so that she brings many souls with her to heaven one day.
22. For all ongoing, ceaseless, and perpetual powerful and effective infinite prayers of the past, present, and future, be offered now, forever, and always for all peoples, intentions, circumstances, and everything. Grant everything, O Lord, past, present, and future, now, forever, and always, and in ongoing ceaseless perpetuity. May all these effective infinite prayers, bring infinite effective graces and blessings, and may they all be effectively unfailing, perfect, everlasting and eternal, continually increasing, and in ceaseless ongoing perpetuity, now, forever, and always, and even infinitely more.
23. For many ongoing prayers and blessings for all the living and deceased members of the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Association of Marian Helpers, the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary, and the Brown and Blue Scapulars
24. For all of Olivia Shaw’s spiritual and temporal desires, intentions, and needs, for the salvation of Olivia and her entire family line, past, present, and future, and for many special blessings and graces for Olivia and all the people she prays for, especially their salvation. May Oliva also be graced now and always with a double portion of The Holy Family’s Spirit and Saints Martin de Porres’, Therese of Lisieux’s, and Padre Pio’s Spirit, so that she may always be Jesus’ Light for others, and through Mother Mary, may Olivia Shaw always be in the present moment and always know and accomplish God’s Holy Will through her constant yes and fiat like Mother Mary. May she also be blessed now and always to be one of Saint Therese of Lisieux’s little souls, so that Olivia be among her little army of souls, and be graced with final perseverance, and be with St Therese, The Little Flower in heaven one day to continue her work from there too, so to keep bringing many other souls to heaven
Thank you and God bless you abundantly and ceaselessly
To Jesus through Mother Mary always
Please pray for me Mufide R and my brothers and for my sister Fevziye and and all family and dear ones for our protectıon and delıverance from the storm and hurricane and floods and earth quake and from the disasters of all kinds men made, evil made, natural. Please.
And for our forgıveness, conversıon, healıng, Dıvıne Mercy, long lıfes and Gıfts of Holy Ghost, Grace, Divine Will of God ın our lıfe and for our own Holy vocatıons and salvatıon.
And for our protection from threats and evil plans of the enemies of all kinds in my country and abroad.
And for the Kingship of Lord Jesus Christ.
For my brother Tahsin R. and forhealing of diabetic and all side affects of my brothers Ali and Ismail R. God’s will be done.
For the safety of my brother Faruk and my sister Fevziye and my niece Zeynep R. who are in the at the airport flying….
For Hatay and all my family and dear ones and local people for restoration and blessing and protection after fires, earthquakes an floods. And for CHP political party and all leaders and members.
And for the soul of my mother Nedime R. and her dear ones living and deceased.
And for the souls of my father Mehmet R and all his dear ones living and deceaseds.
And for the souls of my grand parents Alo and Zeynep Aslan and Semra and Serif Elia and all dear souls I ought to pray for. And for Sr Dana, Fr Richard Miles, Fr Jerome Frey, Fr Dignum.
God will Bless you for all your prayers for us.
Mufide R.
Good Morning Shelley,
I urgently need your prayers this week. I have my driver’s license renewal tests (written, driving, and vision) on Wednesday, 9/11/2024, at 8 a.m. in a town an hour away. I **must** pass **the first time** because if I don’t, I won’t be able to help my boyfriend after his surgery on Thursday, and if I fail all three attempts, I could be without a license for a year. This would be a huge problem—I can’t work remotely with my job, I can’t afford ridesharing, and I don’t want to burden my parents or boyfriend by making them my chauffeurs. Everyone will be frustrated and inconvenienced if I can’t drive.
Please pray for me to be fully prepared mentally and knowledgeably for the written test, and calm, cool, and collected during the driving portion. I also need prayers to clean out my car without delay and have everything ready ahead of time so I’m not scrambling.
I ask for the intercession of St. Frances of Rome, St. Joseph of Cupertino, St. Christopher, St. Jude Thaddeus, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Rita, St. Cecilia, St. Lucy of Syracuse, St. Joan of Arc, St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Dymphna, St. Fiacre, St. Sebastian, St. Carlo Acutis, my guardian angel, my boyfriend’s guardian angel, my parents’ guardian angels, my Grandma Elaine’s guardian angel, and my Grandma Linda’s guardian angel, as well as the guardian angels of everyone at the Illinois Secretary of State’s office—from the person checking me in to the driving proctor, and even the Secretary of State—for just half a second so I can pass.
May all these angels and saints come together to guide me in making the right choices on both exams, that my eyesight be better than ever, and help me get to and from the facility safely. If possible, may an appointment closer to me become available.
Thank you for your prayers!🫶🙏
Amanda B.
JESUS, I trust you!
*Firstly, thanking for my daughter’s pregnancy and praying for a healthy normal child. Thanking God for our visit to the St. Joseph Oratory in Montreal.
*I pray that all my preschool classes will have full registration in our town this fall and all year. A universal PreK has opened which will hinder my classes.
*Praying that my aide will not leave me and will continue to work the days, hours we’re assigned and be happy and work into the future!
*Please heal my elderly dad of leukemia.
*Praying for my dying aunt.
*Praying for my husband and marriage. Praying that we will solve our living conditions to live with our daughter and son-in-law and baby on our property. Please soften my husband’s heart.
JESUS, you are a big God; therefore, I ask big. Thank you.
Mama pray for Anil brother healing of his eyes completely,and he can see well,come to normal State, complete healing and sapna, grant all there intentions and my family,pray for my urgent intentions be granted, deliverence from the evil men and women,pray for my parents souls in rest in peace, Israel deliverence from the terrorist Amen
God bless,
Through the intercession of Our Lady and Saint Joseph, I am asking for prayers for finding a suitable job, money for life and healing from diseases of the skin, teeth, eyes and throat. For John’s father’s health and proper treatment. Eternal life for Jane’s mother. Proper solution to problems with neighbors.
God bless you
Please pray for Shifu my shihtzu 1.5 years old boy consumed Cadbury dry fruits chocolate at 11:30 night 8/8/2024 i quickly bathed him to wash away whatever chocolate traces from his mouth and body.please pray nothing happens to him.Please pray also his ticks from his body to go including ticks Fever, frequency in vomiting, hard black colour motion, constipation, frequency in loose motions,indigestion,poor appetite eats only at night, sleeping full day , skin infection which includes body itching specially paws itching and biting and ears itching, biting the paws,not drinking water which has medicine prescribed by doctor in it such as liver tonic, urine tonic protecting the kidney, bad urinary tract infection with weak bladder pees dark yellow urine every second , proper body growth and development and for healthy weight gain, sometimes joint pain with difficulty in walking, excessive barking on seeing any dog, snapping at people on the road, hotel, restaurant, biting me and maid if trying to wake him from his sleep and feed him or to comb his hair biting us and not allowing to comb his hair due to which detangling and knots formed.
Please pray for my husband for 1)PlayStation PS5 to work . It’s going off suddenly the showroom people says it cannot be repaired and replacement can be given. Please pray for the PlayStation PS5 to work useless unnecessary expenses. 2) Thank you for praying my husband received his car yesterday back from repair.
Christine T.
For peace and religious unity in the world. To enlighten and guide all the leaders of our world, nation and community For the Pope and all Catholics. For our family and near and dear ones. For our spiritual and temporal wants. For good health and long life. That we may go to Heaven when we die. For success in work and studies. For a happy married life for my daughter and for the good health of her son and parents. For the souls of our dear departed. Thanksgiving for favours received.
Lloyd P
For peace and religious unity in the world. To enlighten and guide all the leaders of our world, nation and community For the Pope and all Catholics. For our family and near and dear ones. For our spiritual and temporal wants. For good health and long life. That we may go to Heaven when we die. For success in work and studies. For a happy married life for my daughter and for the good health of her son and parents. For the souls of our dear departed. Thanksgiving for favours received.
May St Rita intercede for Ann-Marie and the deepest and purest intentions of her heart.
God bless,
TY for praying for us…I bring all of my prayers, petitions, pleas, praises and supplications with thanksgiving to the Lord…TY Abba…IJMNA
Please ….. Bless Margaret Lawson and Willie Richie. Father God Enlarge my Coasts and Territories. Please Father God bless me with your Grace Goodness and Mercy. Please Father God bless me with your favor. Please Father God show me your will for my life and future.
Please Father God bless me with your intercession and will. Father God bless me with the Relationships of your choice. Father God Protect me and my home. Father God bless me with Health and Healing. God I love You!!!
Father God protect me and my heart mind body and soul. Father God you’re Magnificent and Amazing. Father God grant me more of your Holy Spirit….Father God you’re the GREAT IAM IAM!!!
Father God THANK YOU!!! IN Your… Holy Name AMEN
P.S. Thanks Father God, you’re Magnificent and Amazing!!! AMEN
Dear St Rita,
Please pray for Monica and me so that we come closer together in God’s love. May we become more intinate with each other after the years of my alcoholism. Help me to continue with 30+ years of recovery with the help of Alcoholics Anonymous. May past hurts be healed and forgiven.
I humbly ask for prayers for healing from chronic diseases for me and dad John. For proper diagnosis of skin diseases, good doctors, better relationships with family. About professional conduct, contract extension and means of subsistence. For eternal life for mother Jane and godmother Jolanta. God bless you
I pray with the intention that I will pass my final semester subjects such as Android and Cloud Computing upon reevaluation, achieve my degree with first-class honors, avoiding a gap year so that I can graduate with my batch, and gain admission to Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery, for the PG program in MCA/MS in Computer Science Data Analytics, including a study abroad opportunity for the academic years 2024-26 through a merit seat to ease the financial burden on my family via the LBS entrance exam. Help me qualify the entrance exam with good marks. I also pray that the results are released as soon as possible, ideally before my birthday in June 2024, so that I can make my family proud and happy. I trust that what is impossible with man is possible with God. Amen.
Dear St Rita
Please do intercede for me and my family. That my son will be forever free from any addictions , that he returns to the Lord, and that he be blessed with children of their own, children who are healthy in body, mind and soul and who will be a joy to them in their old age .
St Rita today they are visiting the doc please let there be goodnews after three years of waiting and disappointments. Please ask God to grant us this favour
St Rita please pray for me and my family
deliverance from oppressors, to pay a huge debt, healing of liver disease, heart disease and prostatitis, forgiveness of sins, good health tp madrona, conversion of cheryle carpinco, jaymar, carpinco sr., jaymar carpinco sr, marilyn carpinco, elena mae carpinco, joel quinanola, dante tojeno, marie tojeno, zoya tojeno, mimi enriquez , for the repose of souls of pia balatayo, luching de los reyes, mario llamas fernandollamas,
St Rita please pray on behalf of myself and my loved ones. Pray for us to have a fervent love of God. If this intention is granted, I believe everything else in our lives with fall into place. I trust in your intercession. I trust in you Jesus.
“O glorious Saint Rita,
Under the weight of the pain of my conscience I turn to you Saint Rita, so powerful with God, with the certainty of being heard.
Free my poor heart from the remorse and anxieties that oppress it and restore peace to my mind overwhelmed with guilt
You who have been established by God as the advocate of desperate causes, obtain for me the grace to break any relationship that I have dragged on and bring me back to Jesus and the Holy Trinity come to my aid
If my sins constitute an obstacle to the fulfillment of my prayers, obtain for me from God the grace of repentance and forgiveness in the sacrament of reconciliation.
Rita, admirable wife of the Crucified One who gave you one of the thorns of his crown, help me to live better and reject all evil in order to die well.
C Rizk
TY for praying for us…I bring all of my prayers, pleas, praises and supplications with thanksgiving to the Lord…TY Abba…IJMNA
O Saint Rita, holy of impossible causes!
I beg you to interpret my prayer intentions throughout this month of Mary Interceding with the Lord and in the name of Jesus to put an end to my habits and to opt for a life that leads me to Heaven. I no longer want to sin help me to hate sin.
Another intention rather an impossible affair affects us in injustice in the family. I beg you to change the data and give justice to sow peace
C Rizk
St Rita intercede for Valentine’s family.Pray for Valentine’s family to settle in B’lore in the yr2024,bless Neha with Bank job govt job in B’lore, Nikki to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in B’lore,bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in B’lore,bless Neha Nikita with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners who will keep Vellu Judy with them now and always, healNehas Nikitaseyes and uterus heal Nehas throat from auto immune disease,heal Judy from cancer depression anxietyphobiapanic attacks phobia insomnia ligament tear of upper left arm, heal Vellu from liver problems,bless our finances lives intentions prayers studies future health and teaching profession bless Judy to get full pension with arrears at the earliest, to get BPLCARD with out any obstacles, to get 2BHKHOUSE at B’lore with minimum rent closer to the Church and park.pray Neha Nikita to settle in same house in Bangalore.
St Rita we are going through severe financial problems. Please intercede for us and ask Almighty God to give us good sales in the factory. Help us to pay off all our debts and lead a happy life. My husband has lost faith because of this prolonged financial stress. I too am going into a depression. St Rita please intercede for us. Make our dreams come true. Our daughters too want to get married but we don’t have the finances to even dream of giving them good marriage. Please give us sales
Consider my intentions especially a Petition to have JESUS intercede in behalf of Sr. Agnes who is terminal. Please pray for a miracle. Time sensitive. She celebrated her 25 jubilee in 2023 and is a Carmelite nun. Please also pray for my brother Brian who has cancer. Thank you. GOD BLESS.
Happy New Year 2024.
I humbly ask for prayers for strength to work and healing from skin ailments and proper treatment. For health for my father John. For eternal life for my mother Jane and grandmother Kazia. God bless you.
prayers for my friends two brothers Jure and Mario Jovanović .
They both had same lungomare cancer within a 3 months diference.
Both are good family man .
One is 45 other 49 year old.
Please Lord Jesus give them You rightousness and Kingdom and give them spiritual and phycical health in Your nighty name we ask You .
Thank You for hearin us we allready acomplished what we have ask for them.
Thank You
Holy are though
You are the blessed One
We love You
We thank You
Dear beloved Jesus
Please give them supernatural strenght and grace to them and to all of their loved ones .And that Lord bless them all in all areas of their lives.
Thank you and God bless you all abundantly
St Rita i ask you to intercede for me as I have an interview on wednesday at 9 please st rita help me to answer the questions correctly and let me be successful in jesus name
TY for praying for us…I bring all of my prayers, petitions, pleas, and supplications with thanksgiving to the Lord-in order of importance…TY Abba…IJMNA
I pray for full enrollment of all my classes especially for my Wednesday class which has only two registered. The program begins this week.
I believe in miracles!
This is my job and how I make money. Jesus, I trust in you!
St Rita please obtain for me, my husband and my family mercy and healing.
I pray for full enrollment of all my classes. I’m in competition with other classes. Registration begins tomorrow.
This is my job and how I make money. Jesus, I trust in you!
FATHER GOD THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. FATHER GOD PLEASE help ISRAEL? Please protect ISRAEL? Please protect all in the ISRAEL DEFENCE FORCE ? Please protect innocent civilians in Israel, Gaza and ALL over the Earth ? Please send heavenly help to the Planet Earth and all creation please Father ? Please send heavenly help to Israel please Father ? Please send heavenly help to Israel please Father ? PLEASE protect the hostages taken by Hezbollah and Hamas to the Gaza? PLEASE Help FATHER GOD? Please send archangel Michael and the warrior ANGELS to protect the hostages and all God’s people in ISRAEL? Please cover the entire Earth with the sacred blood of Jesus Christ the Messiah ? Please allow every soul on Earth to experience YOUR DIVINE LOVE and to repent and glorify YOU, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit ? Please dissolve ALL Anti-Semitism on Planet Earth Father God ? Please dissolve all false religions on Planet Earth ? Please dissolve Satan’s plans on Earth ? FATHER GOD please HELP my son KMG with his discussion with his boss Mike about a salary increase after his successful 6 month probation period with the company as a designer? PLEASE help KMG AND Nadine with the chest freezer issue? Please arrange that Kelly W. pay KMG back the USD $400 my son KMG loaned TO Kelly W. on Fri, 20 Nov 2020 ? Please guide my adult children KMG AND J.I.G. and Nadine and Nadine’s ENTIRE family to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their MESSIAH, For Jesus Christ the Messiah to run their lives as well as mine ? Please make us all grow more intimate with Father God and Jesus the Messiah ? To read our bibles daily and pray persistently…please help us all…including all my children, my mum, my dad, my entire family, sister, 4 x brothers, step mum, Natasha and her entire family, Chené, Debbie and all my friends and their families to repent, to make Jesus Christ their Messiah and Saviour and ensure ALL our names are in the Lamb’s book of life so we go to heaven for eternity with Father God and Jesus the Messiah ? Please help this widow with her health ? Please help this widow win the ZAR 1 Million with CHECKERS SIXTY60 so I can buy a home for my family ? My cats and I ? FATHER GOD THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Father GOD please help this widow? Please send Jesus Christ to help me? My son was romantically involved with a Hindu girl who is 27 years old and a newly recovering alcoholic. We are Christian. The Hindu girl and her family do not follow Jesus as their Lord and Saviour ? I am desperate for my son who is 26 years old ? Please help him to only be attracted to ladies that are staunch followers of Jesus Christ the Messiah? I SURRENDER both of my children to you. J. Is 26 years old and K. who is 29 years old. In Jesus name I pray. Amen, Father God PLEASE Help Natasha ? Her house in Woking was flooded on the of night 21 September 2023 during the hard rain in England. Please send help ? Please help the Insurance, Bank and the Council to help her with the flooded house – she is desperate for YOU and JESUS CHRIST to help her – please we pray that heavenly help is sent to her in JESUS NAME we pray, thank you Father God, amen. She was also made redundant – please help her Father God to secure a new income ? Please help her children Amy, Phoebe and Holly and grandsons Harlan and Leo ? Please help Amy and Holly to secure a God-fearing Husband and may the entire family become FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST AS THEIR SAVIOUR AND MESSIAH ?Please also FATHER GOD help Ian with his health and for Ian to secure a MOTH COTTAGE at Dickie Fritz Moth Club ? Please help us Father God ? Thank you. In Jesus name we pray, amen. Father God please help me ? YOU know that I am a widow and am being bullied….Father God PLEASE help me in regards to issues with ZIPP P, Karen L, Gareth J and N. R? YOU see everything FATHER. I am crying out to YOU FATHER GOD – please help me I beg YOU. ONLY YOU can help me – me a widow. FATHER GOD THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Father God, please gift me with a perfect, beautiful new safe, secure home where my son Jordin, myself and my beloved cats Danny and Dewey shall be safe, secure, happy and blessed with YOUR DIVINE PRESENCE – God The Father, God The Son – Jesus Christ, and God The Holy Spirit. FATHER GOD THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. I beg YOU to please help me – the toilets keep blocking where I reside and I have only resided here 8 months – please help Father God ? In Jesus name I pray. Amen. GOD, Please help ALL those who prayed on this site AND for those who pray for my prayers ? Please urgently send healing for Liz P and Billy P who are in the seventies and NEED YOU GOD. HEAVENLY FATHER I SURRENDER EVERYTHING TO YOU – PLEASE HELP ME with everything in my life ? Please help me with my health ? Please help me with the TETA CLARITY System – with the documentation etc. Please help us Father God ? Please help me to obtain the Letter of Authority from the Master of the High Court and to open the Estate Late bank account for my husband who died 17 March 2004. FATHER GOD THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Please heal my body, my liver, my back, and heal my children and I with perfect health? FATHER GOD THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.
Our ALMIGHTY CREATOR, BELOVED HEAVENLY FATHER GOD please send Jesus Christ THE MESSIAH and YOUR legions of HEAVENLY ANGELS to HELP and to HEAL Ashwarie ? Please make her return to rehab for alcoholism? Please help her and ALL of her family members [Sathish, Sungeetha, Ashwarie, Serisha+husband-Darren, Selish+wife-Tarisha] to leave the Hindu religion and become followers of Jesus Christ the Messiah. Allow Ashwarie to feel and experience YOUR DIVINE HEALING and DIVINE PRESENCE. FATHER GOD THY WILL BE DONE in Ashwarie’s life for ALL eternity. In JESUS MIGHTY NAME WE PRAY. Amen, FATHER GOD THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Father Please help me to receive all the info needed asap from the clients and to also fully complete and submit the reports before the deadline – EEA02,EEA04,EEA12,EEA13.
Father Please help me with TETA23,FC,DG,234 UPLOADS AND CONTRACTS.
Father Please help me with TETA22,FC,DG,178 T3 PAYMENT BEING PROCESSED and paid urgently
Father Please help me with My deceased husband’s pension being paid to me by the Fire Department?
Father Please help me with Gynae appointment – problem with pap smear by Dr Julius. Please send me the monies to afford the Gynae appointment ?
Father Please help me with EE1+POPI signed/completed by all Client(s) employees without having to constantly follow up with them ?
Father Please help me with POPI signed/completed by all Client(s) without having to constantly follow up with them ? Father Please help me with Sheila providing me all the info I need to complete the EEA2, EEA4, EEA12, EEA13 without having to constantly follow up with her ?
Father Please help me with the completion of EEA2, EEA4, EEA12, EEA13 and submission of the EEA2, EEA4 ?
Father Please help me with the completion of uploading all the docs to the TETA Clarity system ? Thank you FATHER GOD.
Please cover my children, Kalvin, Jordin, my cats, Danny and Dewey, my parents, myself, my loved ones and friends in the blood of Jesus Christ – thank you amen
Thank you FATHER GOD for the blessings. PLEASE HELP MY CHILDREN, MYSELF, MY PARENTS AND ALL MY FAMILY, MY FRIENDS AND ALL ON EARTH to please draw closer to YOU FATHER GOD AND JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH – please make us ALL followers of Jesus Christ – please help us to know our Bibles, please prepare our souls so that we ALL go to heaven. PLEASE make everybody KNOW and BELIEVE THAT JESUS CHRIST IS THE MESSIAH AND THE SON OF GOD. Please guide all the Sikhism followers, Hindu(s), Buddhist(s), Muslim(s), Atheists, Agnostics, Jehovah Witness, Mormons etc …..PLEASE HELP ALL the humans ON EARTH to turn to YOU FATHER GOD, TO KNOW JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN – to believe in THE TRINITY? PLEASE HELP ALL the humans ON EARTH to trust Jesus Christ as their Messiah, Lord and Saviour ?
Thank you so very much.
God bless you
In the humility of my heart, through the intercession of Saint Teresa and Our Lady of the Rosary, I am asking for prayers for finding a suitable job and solving the difficult situation in the neighborhood.
For improved health for me and my father John, treatment tips. For eternal life for Jane’s mother and Jola’s godmother.
God bless you
St. Rita,
We need your help. Please St. Rita, Itntercede for us and help us.
Please help USAA to settle the lawsuit. Please help my attorney to be honest and get the settlement. We are desperate for the money. Please help Attorney Tom to call today or this week with the settlement. We are desperate for this Money to pay our Bills.
Thank you St. Rita.
In Jesus,
Michael D
I ask St Rita to help my grandson Robert to quit alcohol and drugs for good and to recover from any underlying mental illness.
Sweet patron St. RITA, Take my prayer request to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I pray to receive for my husband. I Love thee and thankful for your constant help.Please let their be an answer. I Thank you for prayers. That have been answered before. I Love You Amen!
Please help USAA to settle the lawsuit. Please help my attorney to be honest and get the settlement. We are desperate for the money. Please help Attorney Tom to call today or this week with the settlement. We are desperate for this Money to pay our Bills.
St. Rita, Please help us. We need your help!
Dear Reverend,
Please pray that I may conceive and we may be blessed with a healthy baby.
Thank you.
Jessica and Carl.
Please, St. Rita… please ask God to grant me the winning Powerball lottery ticket… so I can give money to our church to build a new sanctuary, a new parish hall, a new CCE building and a religious arts complex for the faithful religious artisans in our town of all denominations. We have outgrown our facilities and are in need to facilitate our programs and ministries. Also, I need to pay off all of my debts… and need to fix the foundation of our house. It is falling off of the hill. We need to repair our home and purchase new A/C and heat. We also don’t have hot water. Our house was built in 1957 and just needs attention. I also need a car, as does my brother. I have five great nephews and nieces and need money to send them to college. Also, my niece in law, Emily, is a non-believer… and I think it is really she can’t forgive herself for having abortions in the past. I ask for God’s forgiveness for her and to bring her around so that she again believes in God and Jesus… so her five children will be baptized and brought up as Christians and not floundering as confused atheists. Please help, St. Rita. I love you. and please help me to write your beautiful icon so it will bring Monica (for whom I am preparing your icon) back to the church. Thank you.
St Rita pray for me. My heart wants to serve God. Pray the desire I have for T subsides for right now. I pray for K and B. Use my business and profits for mission work that I will always promote the rosary and be a beacon for others. I pray for an international case. I pray that you will send me a sign by having C text me today. Lord through the prayers of Rita may you hear those prayers and grant these favors if it be your Holy Will
Saint Rita, I pray for your intercession in the situation now facing my dad. I pray that he will negotiate with the department of housing and be allowed to stay in his unit at no added financial burden to him. Please, St Rita, I ask for this miracle. Amen
dea St Ritha, i real need need your prayer, my daughter is having allegies of many food please pray for her so that she can healed, pray for me on your prayes so that me and my fiance to be able to get married soon and to be hired since we are unemloyed and to have a good relationship, please pray for our parents so they can have good health. Amen
Please pray for myself my husband our two children and both our families please pray that gods will will be done in our lives protect us all from illness, harm and evil pray for conversion& peace for us all heal all broken relationships in our lives..bless our future children..Please pray for myself and my husband and our children’s blood test results will be clear of all disease..I pray to god to help me successfully learn how to drive and pass my driving test Amen
Dear Saint Rita, please pray and intercede on my behalf to be reconsidered and granted a miraculous admission into the ministry of foreign affairs, and the federal civil service. I did not do well in the interview, but i believe in my heart that the job is my calling in life, and i will work really hard to make God and my family proud. I have been unemployed for over four years, and i beseech you to implore and ask God on my behalf to be given a second chance. Please Saint Rita just like the angels opened the doors of the convent for you, please pray for me that God will send them to open the gates of the foreign ministry for me. I ask you to please implore God the Holy Spirit, to touch the hearts, minds and influence the decision of the presidency, the senate, the house of reps, the ministry of foreign affairs, the federal civil service, the commissioners, the head of service and dr. Madugu, to reconsider my application and the applicagtions of my brothers and sisters who need this job. That they will take more than only 3 per state, and that i will be highly favoured. Please help me dear St. Rita, to receive God’s blessings and miracles through your most powerful intercessions. Amen. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear Saint Rita, please pray and intercede on my behalf to be reconsidered and granted a miraculous admission into the ministry of foreign affairs, and the federal civil service. I did not do well in the interview, but i believe in my heart that the job is my calling in life, and i will work really hard to make God and my family proud. I have been unemployed for over four years, and i beseech you to implore and ask God on my behalf to be given a second chance. Please Saint Rita just like the angels opened the doors of the convent for you, please pray for me that God will send them to open the gates of the foreign ministry for me. I ask you to please implore God the Holy Spirit, to touch the hearts, minds and influence the decision of the presidency, the senate, the house of reps, the ministry of foreign affairs, the federal civil service, the commissioners, the head of service and dr. Madugu, to reconsider my application and the applicagtions of my brothers and sisters who need this job. That they will take more than only 3 per state, and that i will be highly favoured. Please help me dear St. Rita, to receive God’s blessings and miracles through your most powerful intercessions. Amen. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen
Please pray for my marriage..im going to need a miracle
Much love
Please intervene god
I feel very lost and unhappy, please help me, I’m hurt inside, i am so tired to cover everything by pretending and no matter how hard I pray nothing seems to be working, please pray for Damianus aditya christie and me. I have been waiting for reconciliation and peace for me and him, everyone tells me to forget and leave it, they keep pressing me. I cried, it’s not so easily as they say and imagine. i feel so traumatized, I have been struggling with depressed and suffering for the past 3 years. I know You knows my pain God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner, Father you say, ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. I come with a broken heart, i depend on you and still hope, if God deign, please God soften and touch Damianus aditya christie heart for me. I can’t touch his heart, only God can change people’s hearts. please help me face things that are beyond my capabilities. because God, You have power to help me.
please help me with your prayers, I really need a miracle, thank you
Please pray for reconciliation and reunion of my family and let God undo the knots in our family life. Give us the hope, love and faith in god and let my wife, Nithu Yash join in our family life overcoming all forces working against the family and God. Let she understand god’s love and the indissolubility of marriage sacrament in leading a family life in Christ.
Dear St. Rita pls pray urgently for my classmate Coleen Cleo who is in pain and struggling for her life right now. She is on the final stage of her breast cancer. Pls ask Jesus and the Almighty Father that she be given a miracle because she still wants to live. Or if it’s not God’s will that her life may be extended for a year, with less physical pain, I hope she will be given the grace of a peaceful passing. And that she will receive the last sacrament. But God’s will be done, not mine. Thank you St Rita.
St Rita, I am facing enormous stress due to a wayward life in straying fro Christ. I have accepted Him as my Lord and Savior but am under attack and still weak in my morality. I lack the self control and strength to stop sinning and polluting my body with cigarettes. In addition I need healing from the mental anguish and I need to make important decisions about my vocation in a very short time. My intimacy needs are great and I have been looking for a union with my soul mate/life partner for years.
Please intercede for me with Jesus and the Father for all of these needs, for my salvation, and for peace and love and Godliness towards everyone I know. I want to live in grace and peace and without fear and neediness.
I really do want to get married this year. Nothing concrete as per relationship but I trust that God who put this desire in me will perfect all according to His will. Amen
St Rita of cascia thankyou and please remain with me. Amen
Started saying another novena and today is the last day. I am confident that i’m on the right path with God but I still have a lot of work to do. Thankyou St Rita for always been there. Its been almost a mth now and my friend and i have not been talking to eachother but I am taking it all in good faith. God is redirecting and transforming. Please continue to be with me Mama Rita even while the novena ends today.
I just want to be at peace and happy. Mama please pray for my December!!
Dear st. Rita of Casia, i am asking for kindness that my nephew joshua who is problem to our family, that he would be separated from his girlfriend Kyl Cañete, this lady keeps on insenuating my nephew to get things ANd money in our household just to be given to her.may this girl disaapear in the life of my nephew because he stops schooling because of this girl. Hoping that my request be granted. Amen
Hear saint Rita, what’s in my heart. Thankful always! R.K.
Jul 2
I feel very lost and unhappy, please help me, I’m hurt inside, i am so tired to cover everything by pretending and no matter how hard I pray nothing seems to be working, please pray for Damianus aditya christie and me. I have been waiting for reconciliation and peace for me and him, everyone tells me to forget it and leave it, they keep pressing me. I cried, it’s not so easily as they say and imagine. i feel so traumatized, I have been struggling with depressed and suffering for the past 3 years. I know I can’t force God or anyone, to follow my will, “not my own will, but Yours” I depend on you and still hope, if God deign, please God soften and touch Damianus aditya christie heart for me. I can’t touch his heart, only God can change people’s hearts. please help me face things that are beyond my capabilities. because God, You have power to help me. please help me with your prayers, I really need a miracle, thank you
Dearest St. Rita,
I’ve just recently learned about you and today is the beginning of my novena to you. I pray with confidence to you as the patroness saint of the impossible and difficult marriages. Please intercede with God for me and pray that God will touch my wife’s heart and spirit and fill it with much forgiveness and love for me and restore her faith in me as her husband. Pray for God’s mercy and blessings, and that God may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other in a committed and loving relationship. Pray that God will guide her back HOME into my loving arms permanently, and always put us in each others heart and mind.
In faith and trust, I pray that God will answer my prayers.
I am hoping that Rita sees me through my difficult times and helps me to be calm in the face of many adversities. Her life appears to have been brutal, yet she did not falter in her faith. Let me see the good in the day and not the sadness that I feel and that God is ALWAYS with me. .
Prayer Request:
Please pray for the conversion of Eric McDonald to true faith and hope in Jesus Christ!!!
Our Dear Lady, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us. My Dear Mother Mary, pray for my friend Eric McDonald.Please show him your maternal love and care.Please pray for the conversion of his soul.May God Almighty, Save his soul. Most Loving Mother, I miss my friend Eric.I do not know where he is nor how he is!!!Mother Most Holy,Protect him and keep him safe.Please see that his needs are meet and that he experiences the joy of salvation.Help Eric in the name of Jesus Christ Amen!!!
May St Michael, defend and protect Eric.May he bring Eric home safely!!!
Please deliver me from this horrible seemingly impossible situation that I’m facing and may face. Please intercede to Jesus Christ to grant me deliverance from this in my favor. Please grant me a second chance in life to become a better person and closer and closer to the Lord.please heal my pain and sorrow within my spirit. Please help my situation end in peace for me. Please take those who are against me out of my life and out of this situation. Please comfort me in the love and the light of the Lord our Heavenly Father. I pray for forgiveness Lord as i forgive others. Saint Rita please heal my heart and mind. Please intercede my prayers to the Lord. Lift my pain and hopelessness. Bring joy back into my heart and my life. I am forever thankful and grateful and praise you in the name of Jesus. Amen