Prayer 4 - Prayer to St. Rita

Patroness of those in need, St. Rita, whose pleadings before
thy Divine Lord are almost irresistible, who for thy lavishness in
granting favors hast been called the Advocate of the Hopeless and even
of the Impossible; St. Rita, so humble, so pure, so mortified, so
patient and of such compassionate love for thy Crucified Jesus that thou
couldst obtain from Him whatsoever thou askest, on account of which all
confidently have recourse to thee, expecting, if not always relief, at
least comfort; be propitious to our petition, showing thy power with God
on behalf of thy suppliant; be lavish to us, as thou hast been in so many
wonderful cases, for the greater glory of God, for the spreading of thine
own devotion, and for the consolation of those who trust in thee. We promise,
if our petition is granted, to glorify, thee by making known thy favor, to
bless and sing thy praises forever.

Relying then upon thy merits and power before the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
we pray: (mention your request). Obtain for us our request.

Pray for us, 0 holy St. Rita, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


(taken from

Remember to make known favors granted through St. Rita.